Scrum and Sprint

A point view on use of Trello in Agile Project Managment

Introduction - Scrum

A typical Sprint in Scrum usually lasts 2 to 4 weeks. However, the exact duration can vary based on the team's context, project complexity, and organizational needs. The goal is to strike a balance between delivering value quickly and maintaining a sustainable pace. 😊🚀


Point of view :

With Trello automation this can be easily achieved with a scrum master is assigned and move, if necessary, to the scrum master’s board or a team board

Scrum emphasizes inspection, adaptation, and collaboration to deliver valuable increments of work! 🚀

Point of view :

Trello’s collaborative features easily supports this especially with use of power ups and integration to other software, if so required. The ability to breakdown work via maintaining the dependencies facilitate delivery of business value with each increment of work.

(Pre-reading : From idea to design - a software product development example )

Discussion - Sprint

1. Sprint Planning:

  • Collaborative meeting where the Scrum Team decides what to work on during the Sprint.
  • Product Owner discusses objectives, and the team selects items from the Product Backlog.
  • Outcome: Sprint Goal and Sprint Backlog.

Point of view :

Trello’s collaborative features easily supports this by allowing team to document the goal in the card description, team members comments, materials / links to be attached, …etc.

2. Daily Scrum (Standup):

  • A 15-minute daily meeting for the Developers.
  • Inspects progress toward the Sprint Goal and adapts the Sprint Backlog.
  • Focuses on what was done, what's next, and any impediments.

Point of view :

Collaboration amongst team members as they work on the assigned activity using comments to ask for help, seek clarification or to raise issue. This facility daily scrum meetings since the card will the single source of data for everything relating to the task and or sprint item.

3. Execution:

  • The team works on the Sprint Backlog items.
  • Daily check-ins during the Daily Scrum to track progress.

Point of view :

While team members do not spent all day using Trello, the Trello board and cards help enable them to do their work more efficiently to increase their performance and contribution towards the defined objectives.


4. Sprint Review:

  • Working session where the Scrum Team presents completed work to stakeholders.
  • Discusses what was accomplished, changes in the environment, and collaborates on next steps.
  • Results in a revised Product Backlog.

Point of view :

Since work products can be created and deposited on cards, progress made by the team is available at any time to the stakeholders. With clever us of power ups, these deliverables can be delivered to the stakeholders, if so required.

One of the big advantage is to be able to continue to feed into the system such that new or unplanned work can be supported.

5. Sprint Retrospective:

  • Reflects on the Sprint, identifying what went well and areas for improvement.
  • Plans ways to increase quality and effectiveness.
  • Adaptations are implemented in the next Sprint

Point of view :

This is an often forgotten activity. With AI data captured by a well designed system can be used to deliver insights on team performance. A well designed OpenAI Assistant with its thread persistency allows it retain, use and or provide summaries at the level deem most useful for the organization.